Saturday, December 28, 2013

Homeless in Seal Beach: Redux

Except for the "faces" not much changes...

During the holidays...

November 28--Thanksgiving

December 25--Christmas

Another of Reagan’s enduring legacies is the steep increase in the number of homeless people, which by the late 1980s had swollen to 600,000 on any given night – and 1.2 million over the course of a year.

"Every state-funded program that supports homeless shelters has been eliminated in California"

Homeless in Seal Beach (January 2012)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

HBAL 2013 Demonstrator Palettes

Huntington Beach Art League members are invited to participate in an identification contest. Arrayed in a random order are the palettes (workspaces) of most of the 2013 HBAL Demonstrators. Email your identifications to Dan ( for a chance to win a 20 by 30 poster of all of the palettes. Write the name of the artist next to the palette's number (#1 to #9). Don't forget to include your own name on the entry. Contest closes on January 10, 2014. One name from those who submit correct answers will be randomly drawn for the prize.  Update: The contest has closed. Demonstrator names now appear under their palettes.

Bernard Fallon
Frank Eber

Gerald Brommer
Regina Hurley

Frank Eber
Ruth Ellen Hoag

Tom Fong

Eilleen McCullough
Gregory Gallardo