Driving to Moah 10/12
Day 1: Canyonlands 10/13
Day 2: Arches 10/14
Day 3: Leaving Moab and driving to Capitol Reef and Bryce Canyon
Days 4 and 5: Bryce Canyon
7:000 AM |
Days 5 and 6: Zion
4 pm 10/18 |
End Notes
Favorite meals: Desert Bistro Moab http://desertbistro.com, Kings Landing Bistro Zion/Springdale https://www.klbzion.com, Bit and Spur Zion/Springdale http://bitandspur.com
Best take-out:Village Market Deli Moab https://www.thevillagemarkets.com and Zion Lodge Red Rock Grill https://www.zionlodge.com/dining/red-rock-grill/
Best restaurant views: Sunset Grill Moab
and Kings Landing Bistro Zion/Springdale
Planned our trip pre pandemic with my college friend Bob and his wife Lynn. Their friends Kim and Larry joined us.